Let's note 関連ツイート
RT @dyson_lin: Note:
It is not safe within 7 days.
Manisa M5.6 can be the mainshock.
But it can be a foreshock, too.
Let's keep observing…@DocQohenLeth 2020/01/23 12:48
RT @dyson_lin: Note:
It is not safe within 7 days.
Manisa M5.6 can be the mainshock.
But it can be a foreshock, too.
Let's keep observing…@Kuramayu1110 2020/01/23 12:20
let's noteくん、タッチパッド付近に衝撃与えると強制スリープなるのアホか?
@uhunihiwaha 2020/01/23 22:26
ノートPC「Let's note LV8」:BDドライブ搭載の軽量マシン、フルHD対応でビジネスにもビデオ視聴にもおすすめ https://t.co/IQa90JfTwW #RakutenJP https://t.co/bwLtP5vJb6
@papa_pahoo 2020/01/23 12:03
Let's note:4人
ThinkPad:1人(我)@ryuenb 2020/01/23 16:57